About OntoSync
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include info about how OntoSync is used for therapy - focus on sleep and growth mindset. We should keep it real focused and simple.
Ontosync provides hypno packages with the help of a sleep protocol to reinforce blablabla.
Music facilitates and drives sleep within the ontosync app - and the sleep program is a reinforcer of the deltahypno therapeutic outcomes.
Explain why sleep is weaved into these hypno programs.
- sleep dependent learning
- science-backed compilations/ program
we understand it's difficult to know what works/ and how can you find out what is a suitable approach.
integrate therapy outcomes. we aim to create an integrative approach, so that you don't have to.
music >>> sleep >>> hypno
OntoSync promotes a continuous research endeavour within cognitive neuroscience of music, which started off by investigating sleep disturbances and how music could be helpful.
Looking into its effects on sleep, anxiety and depression.Our research participants sought out music for sleep that worked for them during the study and this is where OntoSync came in.
OntoSync is a research Lab acquiring knowledge about syncing in with oneself and contributing to social synchrony via various studies we have in the pipeline.OntoSync encourages openness to convergent exploration of endogenous harmonics and empirical neuro-acoustics.
Essentially, we are looking through the lens of music psychology, breaking down what it is, how one perceives sound and how this is represented in the neural network.
Research takes a while, however as soon as we acquire empirical evidence, we analyse it, package it and share it with the public immediately. The products and services we release are tested, published and further researched for continuous improvements.
All of this came to be through collaborative effort of passionate cognitive neuroscientists, psychologists, music makers, Phd researchers, and most importantly, our community of friends, participants and patients alike.
Development of sleep protocols for clinical and preventative interventions - various demographics.