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Luxury Spa

Welcome to the expanding community of modern health devotees shaping the future through
conscious living and novel human design  

Meet your hypnotherapy coach

MSc, CHyp. Marcy Palejova 

Hi there, I'm Marcy. I'm glad you found OntoSync. My fascination with modalities such as music therapy and hypnotherapy sparked my desire to overcome personal challenges. Experiencing the profound effects of achieving mental harmony and gaining control over my life, I felt compelled to delve deeper into the underlying science. I trained as a clinical hypnotherapist at the International College of Clinical Hypnosis in London, completed The Grof Studies on Holotropic Breath-Work and integration, and my Master's in Science degree in Music, Mind & Brain at Goldsmiths University of London in 2018. This unique program delved into the fascinating realms of music psychology and cognitive neuroscience of music. During my studies, I conducted research on the therapeutic effects of anxiolytic music on depression and its ability to enhance sleep quality. The positive results of my study inspired me to further explore the potential of music interventions for improving sleep, either as an adjunct to existing therapies or as an alternative to sedative medications. It was the genuine feedback from my research participants, who found immense relaxation and improved sleep through my program, that motivated me to refine and launch OntoSync. With my background as a clinical hypnotherapist and experience in conducting scientific studies and market research for health-tech companies, I have gained valuable insights into the true needs of individuals like you. My ongoing passion for the clinical application of music has led me to pursue a PhD programme at the Cambridge Institute for Music Therapy Research. Here, I aim to integrate music therapy into treatments for sleep disturbances and design integration for advanced psychedelic-assisted therapies. In my hypnotherapy practice, I combine hypnosis, music interventions, and Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy to empower individuals like you to enhance your day-to-day functioning. My focus areas are the fundamental pillars of 'Sleep' and 'Growth Mindset', which are crucial for achieving mental harmony and promoting holistic well-being. I invite you to embark on this transformative journey with me.


Our Motto is simple: Run on your own code and safeguard your inner wealth.


No matter your goal, let's collaborate to design a tailored programme just for you.

Each time you close your eyes, tap into the powerful resources of your subconscious mind. Plant the seeds of change, renew yourself, foster healthier habits, and become more self-reliant, all in service of your well-being. Most importantly, regain a sense of control and embrace a fresh start.

It would be my pleasure to support you on this journey.


Hypno Lounge

Find yourself in a place of peace.
The world can wait.
Grant yourself a minute to sense,
what it is like to feel an upgraded you?


Our tailored one-on-one sessions
can assist you to become a more
consciously living person,
attending to your best interests,
your inner spiritual alignment
and health objectives.


Facilitating integration sessions
for after-therapy or
Breath-Work journey

In-Person and Online

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